Felicite (de Alba)

I represent Felicite, an enslaved woman in the household of Pedro de Alba, Jr. I am first mentioned in 1819 in the court documents associated with the case of F.T. Commyns vs. E. Latady, where I was listed among the property given by Don Pedro de Alba to his son on the eve of his wedding to Constance de Tala in 1817. I was 18 years old at that time. I am mentioned again in the 1835 will of Don Pedro de Alba: I was returned to him by Constance de Tala and was sold, along with my daughters Felicia and Mary, in 1833 (my son, the mulato Antonio, was manumitted the year before, as an infant). Later in the will, a third child, Pauline, is mentioned.

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Sex Female
Birthdate ca. 1799
Age in 1821 20
Address in 1821 Plaza of Pensacola
Sources 7, 18