George (Pargas)

I represent George, an enslaved negro man in the household of Bernardo Pargas and Ortauna Maria del Carmen, the free woman of color who shared his home At the time of the changing of the flags, I would have been about 16 years old. In his 1836 will, five years of my service was bequeathed to Manuel Pargas (an adult negro man Bernardo had recently manumitted) and Nicholas Pargas, a recently manumitted negro child. After that five years, the executors of Bernardo’s estate were to grant me my freedom, which was done by Deed of Manumission in 1842.

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Race Negro
Sex Male
Birthdate ca. 1805
Age in 1821 16
Address in 1821 Plaza of Pensacola
Sources 174, Escambia County Deed H/15