Dominga Mariana Petit

I represent Dominga Mariana Petit, a mulata girl born in Pensacola. I was born into slavery, though my owner (my grandmother) granted my freedom at my 1820 baptism at St. Michael’s. At the time of the 1820 census in Pensacola, I was 1 year old. I was the granddaughter of Adelaide Petit by her son, Baptiste Bernardo and an enslaved woman owned by Adelaide named Gertrude. My manumisison was confirmed in a deed filed by Adelaide in 1826.

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Race Mulata
Sex Female
Birthdate 1819/12/20
Birthplace Pensacola
Age in 1821 1
Address in 1821 Ft. Barrancas
Sources 1, 49, 178; Escambia Co. Deed A/417