Don Juan/John Brosnaham

Photo representing Don Juan/John Brosnaham

Represented by Jared Moore

I represent Dr. John C. Brosnaham. I was born in Catskill, New York in 1791. (My marriage record says Liverpool, England). My parents were Andrew and Margaret Rimph[?] Brosnaham.

I attended medical school at what would become Columbia University. I was a Navy surgeon during the War of 1812 and lived in Cuba for a time before I went to Pensacola. In 1816 I married Maria Josefa Martinez at St. Michael’s in Pensacola and we had three daughters.

In 1821, General Andrew Jackson appointed me surgeon to the U.S. troops stationed in Pensacola. When General Jackson’s wife, Rachel, needed housing in Pensacola before the transition, I rented her a home I owned at the corner of Palafox and Intendencia.

In the new American city government of Pensacola, I served as an alderman. During the Civil War, when most of the population of Pensacola evacuated, I remained behind to see to the needs of the 82 people who remained, and became acting mayor.

Maria Josefa died in 1823 and I remarried in 1828, to Isabella Eugenia Sierra. We had five chldren together. I spent the rest of my days in Pensacola, and died in 1871. I am buried in St. Michael’s cemetery.

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Race White
Sex Male
Birthdate 1791/4/1
Birthplace Catskill, NY
Age in 1821 30
Marital Status Married
Occupation in 1821 Medical doctor; Pensacola City Council
Address in 1821 Plaza of Pensacola
Sources 1, 13, 27, 37, 62, 89, 140